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Price: $15.00

Al's first CD featuring the Weissenborn style acoustic lap slide guitar. Two guitars were used, one made by Mike Tracz in Ohio and the other by Michael Hampel in Washington. Both guitars were built by hand from locally-sourced woods.

The CD package comes unwrapped (why waste anymore plastic) and features photography by Al Petteway that has been filtered through an app called "Tintype" to give it an old timey look.


SLIDE - Al's comments

  1. Amy’s Garden (DADEAD) Amy has created an amazing flower garden around our North Carolina mountain home. The giant rock walls that set it off so beautifully are also the perfect habitat for certain mountain critters that are good to be wary of.
  2. Chloe (DADFAD) Our sweet rescued Australian Shepherd Chloe is such a joy to watch when she dances across the living room, flipping back and forth. The tune also brings to mind another Chloe who plays the clarinet.
  3. A Certain Sadness (DADFAD, capo 2) This one takes me back to some of my earlier compositions
  4. It’s Only the Blues Again(DADF#AD) This version of my tune “it’s Only the Blues” was one of the first Blues tunes I attempted on the lap slide.  I had fun with this one.
  5. Firefly Waltz(DADF#AD) This year we’ve had an abundance of fireflies to entertain us at dusk.  It’s pretty magical.
  6. Last Train Out (DADF#AD) I love riding trains but it’s been so many years that I’ve almost given up on ever doing it again.  Maybe a cross-country trip would be fun one day.
  7. Clouds (DADEAD) We are often above the clouds in our mountain home and can watch them move across the valley and up the mountain sides as the birds fly below us.  It’s something I enjoy nearly every morning sitting out on the screened porch with the dogs. (DADEAD)
  8. Kota (CGDEGD) Kota the cat is an amazing creature. He’s beautiful and extremely intelligent and thinks he’s a dog most of the time. (except when he’s busy knocking things off of tables.)
  9. Blue Bottleneck Breakdown (DGDGBD) The only tune on this album featuring bottleneck slide. I played this on my 1951 Martin 00028 using a blue medicine bottle I found in an antique shop along the road somewhere on I-81 in Virginia. We’ve visited them all.
  10. Scruff Muffin (DADFAD) It’s what Amy calls our sweet mutt of a rescue dog, Sampson.  You can brush him and ten minutes later his hair is sticking out every which way.
  11. Final Journey Home (CGCGBbD) This tune features only the K&K pickup on the guitar running through my Grace preamp and a Strymon Blue Sky effects pedal to create some very cool sounds.  I could have done the whole album this way, it sounded so good. Of course this was the last one I recorded, so maybe next time.

To hear samples:

All compositions written and performed by Al Petteway copyright 2020 (BMI)

Special Thanks - 

 to Amy for her love and constant inspiration; and for putting up with all of the bad notes and bad moods, to Steve Walker for his weekly encouragement to keep writing new tunes, to Jacob Ragaard for musical inspiration and for sharing his cool tuning so willingly, to Kathy Mattea for inviting me on stage to play slide for the first time publicly which gave me the confidence I needed to continue on this journey, to the crew at Dream Guitars for their continuing support, and to all of my fans and supporters who have hung in there with me during these tough times we are all going through.  Oh, I can’t forget to thank the wonderful dogs and cats who have been by my side and nursed me through every step of the process.  Thank you all!